beginning of the end

For the last few months, I really didn’t believe that Trump will be impeached by a Republican majority congress. I expected the various investigations to drag on as long as possible while Republicans wring out a few more tax cuts. I was resigned to the fact that we have to wait until 2018 mid term to have any Democratic majority in house or senate.

Even then, I don’t expect Trump to have the grace to resign due to impeachment, but rather, I would expect him to wait for Senate to convict him. This seemed like a very high bar for Senate Republicans to jump over.

Well, thanks to Trump, this might have just gotten easier.

In the past few days, the following have come out

This last item, if can be proven, is quite damning. The description showed an unambiguous request from Trump to interfere in an ongoing investigation. This will certainly cause more tumult in the Republican rank and maybe enough to start impeachment proceedings.