Today Trump had the easiest job a President could have: condemning white supremacists and neo-nazis.
The. Easiest. Job.
Well, it would be if you are not Trump.
This is what he said after a car rammed into a crowd of counter-protesters after a white supremacist/neo-nazi rally.
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides — on many sides”
Many sides my ass.
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Tempted to leave this without comments.
I really wonder if the senators and the representatives in the congress ever look at this and question the surreal nature of our situation.
Is there any country’s head of state that chooses to believe a foreign power (especially an aggressive and ambitious one) over the country’s own intelligence? Is there any country’s head of state that is so naive as to hand over the key to that intelligence community to the same power that purportedly attacked the country?
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Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan This is the beginning book in Michael Sullivan’s 5 books story arc about the founding of the empire that predated the events in his Riyria books.
Reading this book on the heel of Death of Dulgath is a great way to make some tantalizing connections. The characters Royce saw in the wall painting near the end of the Dulgath book give a good hint on the main characters in the Legends of the First Empire series.
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Comey Firing led to a former FBI Director to sit in open session with Senate Intelligence Committee and state unequivocally that the President of The United States is a liar and has interfered with FBI’s active investigations.
I think 3 things right now
We are just getting started. If Comey is ready to lay this out in this manner, imagine what he’s already planned to help with Mueller’s special investigation.
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The Death of Dulgath by Michael J. Sullivan This is the third book of the prequel adventures for the Riyria pair: Royce and Hadrian. In this book, we travel to a new corner of Elan and face new problems. A bit more magic is introduced than other books in the Riyria Chronicles.
The central figure in this book - Lady Dulgath - has a secret about her. We learned a bit more about the world, specifically, Ferrol’s rule.
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The Crown Tower and The Rose and the Thorn by Michael J. Sullivan After reading Riyria Revelations, this set of novels is a perfect stop to catch up with more adventures of Royce and Hadrian.
The Crown Tower is the beginning of the story where Hadrian just came back to Avryn after his time spent in Calis. His destination is the University in Sheridan where Prof. Arcadius has a message.
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